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Support Article

Wrong description of a property while field Level Auditing



User has a property to be audited to track change in the values. A audit note needs to be added with the description of the property.
This property belong to a page group property.

They have executed field level auditing wizard to create pyTrackSecurityChanges data transform.

The same property is being audited but from different pages of the Page Group. This data transform has properties and their labels to be displayed on the audit entry.

But user is facing below issues:
  • While displaying the audit note, the description shows the wrong label of the property. System doesn't verify the subscript of the page group to identify the right label for a given property and it displays the same label for both properties.
  • It is noticed that property .XYZ(test).Prop1 is getting audited even though it is not set to be audited. System audits "Prop1" property in all pages of XYZ page group property.

Error Messages

Not Applicable

Steps to Reproduce

1. Create a single value property in a page group property.
2. Create 2 pages of the that page group.
3. Create a section to capture this single value property in a 2 different pages of the page group.
4. Execute "Field level auditing wizard" to track changes in the values of these properties.
5. Update the pyTrackSecurityChanges data transform (created by the wizard) to have 2 different labels for the property in both page groups.
6. Update the property value from the UI (Section created in Step 2)
7. Notice an audit entry is created but the in the description the property label shown is wrong.
As the same label is displayed, even though different label were provided in the data transform.

Root Cause

A defect in Pegasystems’ code or rules:

When ever a property who's value need to be audited changes then pzTrackSecurityChanges Utility is called from TracKSecurityChangesLogic activity.

For this function current value and previous value are passed from the clipboard. In case of page group instead of passing current and previous values we are passing the Parent Property. Since in page group for all the subscripts parent is same due to which the first subscript is called in all scenario.


Apply HFix-39705.

Published March 30, 2018 - Updated October 8, 2020

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