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Meet Jeremy

Based in the Bay Area, Jeremy is an accomplished application developer and solution architect with over 15 years of experience with the Pega platform. He enjoys live music and traveling with family in his spare time.

Jeremy Becker

Technical Lead

San Francisco, CA

Alma Mater


Most recent Pega certification


Favorite work environment

I’m someone who hates to pigeonhole myself into always doing something one way so my favorite work environment is one where I can enjoy learning from others. Especially different ways of modeling and delivering solutions!

Let’s begin with the story of your Pega journey - What motivated you to learn how to use the Pega platform?
My first Pega exposure was with the old PegaWorks software, I became an active developer in 2003 on the PegaRules 4.2 platform. I was writing interfaces and creating hooks between this mysterious Pega software solution and external systems. I became curious how the Pega software worked and how the workflows were being created within the application. I held off learning until I heard about and began spearheading the opportunity to move to the web tier with PegaRules. At that point, I decided to learn Pega in order to be a more complete solution provider on my team and take on a larger role in understanding the technical architecture of the entire solution.

How has Pega shaped or impacted your career?
I didn't realize this until later on in my career - Learning Pega really opened some doors for me. Within my team, I suddenly became the cornerstone of the development group with the most complete understanding of the full stack. From there, I took on leadership and design roles that were more broad and far reaching. As I've built up my experience and accomplishments with Pega, I've been able to leverage that into the design and architecture roles that bring me the most enjoyment while still remaining a hands-on contributor to my team’s solutions.

"I'm always in awe at the many ways you can accomplish a given requirement within Pega... If you can think it, Pega can help get you there."

As a Pega developer, what accomplishment are you most proud of?
I've had several successes over the years in developing, delivering and enhancing solutions developed on Pega. My favorite accomplishments have always involved interacting with the business when a solution comes to fruition and seeing them realize the value in the visibility of their processes, the transparency it can introduce, and the power Pega brings to their ability to make good business decisions going forward. If I were to pick a single accomplishment I had the most fun with, it would be building a proof of concept application for a skeptical prospective client using Pega and having that group move forward with the project after seeing what I could deliver in one week after a brief 1 hour meeting.

What message or advice would you give to anyone who is considering a career as a Pega Developer?
Pega has always been responsive to the needs of the developers, architects and professionals utilizing their software. I'm always excited to review the new features and see where we can save time and energy as a result of the community's suggestions. I'm also always in awe at the many ways you can accomplish a given requirement within Pega. As a Pega Developer, you are part of a group of exceptional solution providers who see the value in putting the customer first. Pega allows you to quickly develop solutions using leading technologies without sacrificing your creativity. If you can think it, Pega can help get you there. Go for it. Bring Pega into your creative stack.

"As I've built up my experience and accomplishments with Pega, I've been able to leverage that into the design and architecture roles that bring me the most enjoyment while still remaining a hands-on contributor to my team’s solutions."

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