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Meet Nicholas

Nicholas currently serves in the US Army Reserve and received his Pega CSSA in May 2020.

Nicholas Brown

Pega Developer

Charlotte, NC

Alma Mater

Campbell University


I have a passion for creating and supporting products

Career Objectives

To become a Pega CLSA

Let’s start off by learning a bit more about your life prior to Pega. Where are you from originally and what is your educational background?

I am originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina. I graduated from Campbell University in 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Biology where I commissioned as a United States Army Officer. I am currently serving as a First Lieutenant in the US Army Reserve.

What motivated you to learn how to use Pega?

I was motivated to learn Pega because it offered a low-code application development platform. I didn’t have a strong technical background in the field prior to learning Pega; however, it allows business-minded and/or concept-oriented individuals to understand it, which was to my benefit.


"Since becoming a Pega developer and certifying as a Senior System Architect, the opportunities that are now being presented in a field that I’m truly interested in are abundant."

How is Pega changing the organization where you work?

My organization is filled with experienced developers that come from all walks of life and have used numerous coding languages and cloud software platforms that differ from Pega. It’s very interesting to learn from these individuals and also see how their minds and conceptual knowledge for development have changed since being introduced to Pega.

What message or advice would you give to anyone who is considering a career as a Pega developer?

I encourage anyone that is considering a career as a Pega developer to be willing to change their idea of how software development is traditionally conducted. If you are an experienced developer, Pega will shake the ground you walk on. I’ve seen this happen through my fellow team members. 

For those new to software development, as I was, any problem solving and critical thinking skills you’ve developed in other fields will prove essential moving forward and allow you to effectively collaborate with many individuals on your Pega projects.


"If you are an experienced developer, Pega will shake the ground you walk on."

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