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Meet Zech

Zech has always been interested in learning about how things work. Whether it be welding, mechanical work or entrepreneurship. He found that a career as a Pega CSA was the perfect marriage of his interests between the business and technical worlds. Zech enjoys having the opportunity to develop his Pega skills as part of a relatively new development team where collaboration is encouraged across the organization.

Zech Heinsius

Software Developer

Norfolk, VA

Favorite Music

Anything country

Alma Mater

Regent University

Dream Vacation

Mountain biking in the Swiss Alps

Career Objectives

Earning additional Pega certifications, starting with the CSSA

Let’s start off by learning a bit more about your life prior to Pega. Where are you from originally and what is your educational background?
My interest in creating global solutions to real world business problems has been in development from a young age. I have always been fascinated by learning about how things work. Whether it be welding, mechanical work or entrepreneurship.  I have always looked for ways to make something better, more efficient, and more valuable.

While my interest in many different fields has played a large role in my career today, my ambition to pursue the best opportunities available has been the most significant factor in getting me to where I am today as a full-time Pega developer at the age of 20.

What motivated you to learn how to use Pega?
Prior to speaking with LEGERITY, I had never heard of Pega. After researching the platform on my own, I quickly realized that Pega is the future of improving how IT and business work together so that there is not such a significant disconnect between the two. From where I sit as a Certified Systems Architect, I have seen Pega provide incredible value in creating efficiency and improving how business processes operate.


"My interest in creating global solutions to real world business problems has been in development from a young age... I have always been fascinated by learning about how things work."


How has Pega shaped or impacted your career?
In my year of serving as a Certified Systems Architect, Pega has been immensely influential in creating opportunities to kick start my career in IT.  I’m playing a key role in helping my employer streamline their complex processes while saving an incredible amount of time and money. Being able to work with business units in my company has also been very helpful since there’s not a huge degree of technical experience required.

What message or advice would you give to anyone who is considering a career as a Pega Developer?
My advice to anyone considering a career as a Pega developer is to go for it! It’s always an intensive process to learn a new software platform but I have found that Pega is relatively comprehensive and intuitive compared to other platforms.

Most importantly, it’s inevitable that you are going to come across and work with people that have far more experience with the platform then you do. Take advantage of those opportunities to learn from true experts in the Pega community. They can really help accelerate your knowledge of Pega and improve your opportunities for personal education.

"In my year of serving as a Certified Systems Architect, Pega has been immensely influential in creating opportunities to kick start my career in IT."

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