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Meet Albert

Albert is a former optometrist turned Pega Decision Consultant. He has earned CSA, CBA, Marketing Consultant, Decisioning Consultant and Certified Data Scientists certifications since starting on Pega in 2018.

Albert Solanes

Decisioning Consultant


Alma Mater

La Salle BCN

Dream Vacation


Favorite TV Show

The Simpsons

Favorite Sports Team

FC Barcelona

Let’s start off by learning a bit more about your life prior to Pega. Where are you from originally and what is your educational background?
I’m from Barcelona, Spain and hold two Bachelor’s Degrees. One in Optometry and another one in Technological Business Management. I also hold a Master’s Degree in Data Management.

What motivated you to learn how to use Pega?
After 10 years working as an optometrist, I decided it was time for a change in my career path. I was looking into marketing technology platforms, but then I came across the opportunity to work with Pega and found out that there’s so much more to it than just marketing. I didn’t have much experience in IT at the time but I was able to get up to speed in a short period of time thanks to Pega’s user-friendly capabilities.


"After 10 years working as an optometrist, I decided it was time for a change in my career path.”


How has Pega shaped or impacted your career?
I was coming from a completely different industry and didn’t expect that my new career would take off so quickly. I was ready for slow, steady growth.

Once I started on Pega, I found myself learning new things and passing the certification exams very quickly. Pega is easy to learn but hard to master, with a very satisfactory – but also challenging — learning curve.

How is Pega changing the organization where you work?
Pega enables us to deliver work at a very fast pace to our clients, which allows our teams to be more flexible and dynamic. New team members become Pega professionals in a matter of weeks, and there’s plenty of career development options for them.

What message or advice would you give to anyone who is considering a career as a Pega Developer?
Although it’s desirable, advanced technical knowledge is not a must for achieving certifications on the platform. Once you have a basic knowledge of Pega, take your time to decide what is the best path for you since Pega has a wide variety of profiles/roles to offer.

"Once you have a basic knowledge of Pega, take your time to decide what is the best path for you since Pega has a wide variety of profiles/roles to offer."

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