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Meet Hemalatha

Hemalatha grew up in the Tamilnadu state in the South of India. She is a Pega CSSA currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering with a concentration in Computer Science and Engineering from the Chennai Institute of Technology.

Hemalatha G

Chennai Institute of Technology
Chennai, India.

Alma Mater

Chennai Institute of Technology

What motivated you to learn how to use Pega?
As a lucky student from one of the universities in my country offering Pega UAP courses, I came to know about Pega from our college management and from upperclassmen involved in the UAP program.

Classmates told me about how Pega allows developers to create business applications with low code environments alongside various technologies such as BPM, RPA, AI, etc. After I completed the CSSA exam, the career opportunities working on Pega were enormous for me.


"In my Pega journey I have earned CSA and CSSA certifications which have provided me with great learning opportunities on the latest emerging technologies."


How has Pega shaped or impacted your career?
So far in my Pega journey I have earned CSA and CSSA certifications which have provided me with some great learning opportunities on the latest emerging technologies. Being part of a winning team during the Pega Community Hackathon is giving me recognition around campus and hopefully will allow me to find employment opportunities with Pega partners or clients after I graduate.

What message or advice would you give to anyone who is considering a career as a Pega Developer?

Don’t miss out on your opportunity to learn Pega. It’s used worldwide in many different industries and is a great tool to help build your career as a developer.


Community Choice award


A platform that extends help to needy people at the right time.


Chennai Institute of Technology


Royal A, Vinoth Prabhakaran, Sandhya Kamalraj, Vishali Manivannan, Hemalatha Gandhi, Rehaana Parveen N, Rubini Madhasen, Vijayalakshmi Murugesan

View Submission

"It was enjoyable to have the chance to work on a project that acts as a bridge for donors and recipients in this pandemic situation via the creation of a Pega application."


How did you find out about the Pega Community Hackathon and why did you want to participate?
I heard about the Pega Community Hackathon through a friend of mine who was putting together the Feed The Need team. Participating in this Hackathon challenged me to showcase my ability to propose new ideas and provide solutions to real-world problems. It was enjoyable to have the chance to work on a project that acts as a bridge for donors and recipients in this pandemic situation via the creation of a Pega application.

Tell us about the Hackathon project that you worked on - How did you or your team come up with the idea? How did you or your team go about the process of building this Hackathon submission?
Feed The Need is a group of 8 university students. Before starting our Hackathon submission, it was important to come together and discuss the problems that we hoped to solve by participating in this competition.

Ultimately we decided that it would be beneficial to society if we could create an app with Pega that connects donors with recipients who are in positions of need because of the current Covid-19 pandemic. We researched a few existing solutions and then brought our own ideas to the table and went about the process of building out an app. Since this Hackathon was time-bound, we set a deadline for each stage of our project in order to complete it on-time.

Are there any particular elements of this Hackathon submission that you are most proud of?
Even though we faced many challenges while building our project, it was delivered before the deadline and the idea behind this solution made me proud since we are working to change people’s lives.

"Working on Pega technology has created opportunities for me to deliver real-world results quickly resulting in internal exposure and experience."

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