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Meet John

John was born and raised in Orlando but moved to Tallahassee to pursue a higher education. With a fond interest in programming and the rapidly advancing world of technology, he always knew that, he wanted to get involved in the tech industry. After four years of study, he earned bachelor’s degree in Information, Communication and Technology at Florida State University.

John Michel

Software Developer


Alma Mater

Florida State University

Dream Vacation

Bora Bora

Favorite Musician


Favorite Sports Team

Portland Trail Blazers

Tell us a bit about your Pega journey - What motivated you to learn how to use Pega?
Coming out of college, my interest was both a mixture of front and back-end development. At FSU we were given a broad scope to explore both these areas, so I wasn’t entirely sure which lane I wanted to pursue.

When I heard about all of the things you can do with Pega, it was almost a no-brainer. I was extremely fascinated at how you can build out your own application from scratch with seemingly no code. Pega’s out-of-the-box functionalities and interface made developing seem so effortless. What I really enjoyed the most is that it brings the world of technology and the world of business into one coexisting realm.

How has Pega shaped or impacted your career?
Pega has provided so much growth for my career and this is only the start! I always wanted to be in an environment that allows for constant growth while keeping things fresh and exciting. Pega literally allows this. Every day I go into work, I am constantly learning something new that can advance my skills as a developer.

It also feels good to work with fellow Pega developers and share ideas on how we can improve our skills. I now have a newfound appreciation for agile environments. With Pega, there’s always a solution. I haven’t ran into a problem that couldn’t be solved yet! There’s so much to explore and create with Pega’s software so I am looking forward to a very bright future with Pega.


"Pega has provided so much growth for my career and this is only the start!. I am constantly learning something new that can advance my skills as a developer.”


How is Pega changing the organization where you work?
For my project, a lot of our production efforts are done through Pega. Not only are we able to provide our clients with the best product for their companies by using Pega’s software, but we are also able to replace a lot of our older systems due to Pega’s modernization.
The best part of Pega is that it is like a one-stop shop. Nearly every functionality our system uses is connected to Pega’s software. What Pega provides is more than just software, Pega offers a system that makes development more efficient and prompt.

What message or advice would you give to anyone who is considering a career as a Pega Developer?
Go for it! You won’t regret it. The future of Pega is something I would tell any developer to be a part of, whether full of experience or novel to developing. The growth of Pega is very bright and being a part of something that will be here for years to come is worthwhile. Definitely be a part of something you know will be making an impactful change in the world of technology business!

"Learning Pega’s Low-Code platform will allow developers to accomplish tasks in minutes that would ordinarily take a team of programmers’ hours to complete."

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