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Meet Laura

Laura works as a developer for BPM Company, a consulting and implementation services provider, with offices in the Netherlands, Belgium and Romania. She received her Pega CSSA certification in November 2019.

Laura Popovici

Pega Developer

Iasi, Romania

Alma Mater

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

Dream Job

Working as a Pega developer remotely while traveling around the world.

Let’s start off by learning a bit more about your life prior to Pega. Where are you from originally and what is your educational background?
Growing up in Romania wasn’t that easy but I always was the kind of person who believed that one of the most important things is to invest in your education and development. My educational path was a bit atypical; I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do but I knew for sure that I want to do something that would be of value to other people. When I was 14 years old, I left my hometown to jump-start my studies. I studied Economics and Services in high school before deciding to pursue a career in engineering. I received my Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering and my Masters in Structural Engineering.

What motivated you to learn how to use Pega?
I’m someone who left home at an early age and that gave me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world when i arrived at an English-speaking university. Having this network of friends from many different countries inspired me to find career opportunities where I would have the ability to work in an environment with people from different nationalities and cultures. BPM Company provided that opportunity. They were training IT professionals from Romania on the Pega platform and giving them the chance to work on projects throughout Europe. My journey here started as a software tester for applications built on Pega. After getting to know the Pega platform and its capabilities, I realized that this is exactly the type of role that I had envisioned for myself.


"After getting to know the Pega platform and its capabilities, I realized that this is exactly the type of role that I had envisioned for myself."


How has Pega shaped or impacted your career?
My first interaction with the platform was self-studying on Pega academy. It was something that was completely new for me, but I enjoyed the challenge of learning the platform on my own. I have found that Pega always has something new to offer. There are limitless opportunities to help your customers with the implementation of the platform in their organizations and it gives me great satisfaction to be a part of this process.

What message or advice would you give to anyone who is considering a career as a Pega Developer?
Everything is possible as long as you really want it. If you think that a career as a Pega developer is what you want, then there shouldn’t be anything to stop you. The Pega platform has so many capabilities to offer! Since it’s a low-code platform, application development is a lot faster than traditional code. I can definitely say that Pega’s evolving capabilities will keep you up-to-date on the rapidly changing world of application development. Because of this, you’ll always have the chance to learn something new and improve your skills. You will never get bored!

"If you think that a career as a Pega developer is what you want, then there shouldn’t be anything to stop you."

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