Developer portal — Using the menus |
The Developer portal provides five to seven menus for rapid access to information, tools, and objects needed by application developers.
This topic describes menus in the standard portal rule named Developer. Your portal rules may contain different or more restricted menus, through XML Stream rules referenced on the Options tab of the Portal rule form.
The Run and Application menus do not appear when no work pool is current or the application rule referenced in a user's access group contains only standard Process Commander RuleSets.
The Developer portal is designed for developers who use the PegaRULES:SysAdm4 role. On the Access Group form, do not select Developer for the Default Portal Layout unless the Roles array includes the PegaRULES:SysAdm4 role.
Use the File menu to access basic capabilities.
Menu item |
Description |
New | |
New > Application Profile |
Starts the Application Profile wizard to create a new application profile. |
New > Enterprise Application |
Starts the Enterprise Application wizard to create a new application with optional input from an application profile. |
New > Application Express |
Starts a basic application accelerator that guides you through the creation of a new application for learning, experimentation and prototyping purposes. See About the Application Express tool. |
New > Create a Component |
Starts the Component wizard to create a component RuleSet that can be shared or reused across multiple systems and applications. See Component wizard. |
New > Embed a Component |
Starts the Embed Component wizard to add a component RuleSet to an application. See Embed Component wizard. |
New > Operator |
Presents a window that lets you create a new Operator ID instance by supplying only five input fields. Other values are defaulted from a model rule for the Data-Admin-Operator-ID class. Operator ID — Completing the New or Save As form. |
New > Report |
Starts the Report Wizard. Choose one of seven report categories:
The resulting report can be saved in the Monitor Activity workspace. About the Report Wizard. |
Open | |
Open > Work Pool > name |
Lets you view, or change, the current work pool from among those listed in your access group. The current work pool name is marked with a leading dot in the menu, and also appears at the upper left of the Developer portal home pages. Names are derived from the container class for each work pool. |
Open > Portal > portal |
Starts a new Thread by launching a new window, presenting a portal of the selected portal rule name. On the menu, a dot appears next to the portal rule name corresponding to the current portal. |
Open > Application > Access Group |
Allows developers to switch between the applications defined in their access groups. When an application is selected, the operator's current portal is replaced with the default portal of the new access group. |
Open > Wizards in Progress> Application Profiles On My Worklist |
Presents a list of open Application Profiles on your worklist. You can select from the list to edit, complete, or cancel a profile using the Application Profile wizard. |
Open > Wizards in Progress> Application Profiles I Can Modify |
Presents a list of Application Profiles that you have security to modify. You can select from the list to reopen, edit, complete, or cancel a profile using the Application Profile wizard. |
Open > Wizards in Progress > Enterprise Applications On My Worklist |
Presents a list of open Enterprise Application wizard assignments on your worklist. You can select from the list to edit, complete, or cancel an open application using the Enterprise Application wizard. |
Open > Wizards in Progress > All Wizards |
Presents a list of the open and resolved wizard objects in this system including component, localization, application profiles, application accelerators, or any other wizard that saves an object to the database. You can select from the list to review resolved objects or to edit, complete, or cancel open objects. Some wizards create only temporary work objects. These objects do not appear in this list. |
Import>Import Archive |
Starts the Import Archive tool, to load rules and data instances from a ZIP file. About Archive tools. Click the Help button () on each form for detailed instructions. |
Import>Refactor on Import |
Lets you rename the classes in a ZIP archive during import, to place the new rules in the appropriate position within the class hierarchy of this system. See About the Refactoring on Import wizard. |
Export Archive (zip) |
Starts the Export Archive tool, to create a ZIP file containing rules or data instances. About Archive tools. Click the Help button () on each form for detailed instructions. |
Migrate Product |
Starts the Product Migration wizard, to move RuleSets or a product ZIP archive between two Process Commander systems. See About the Product Migration wizard. |
Package Work |
Starts the Package Work wizard, which allows you to create a product rule that contains work objects, attachments, and work object history as well as rules. See About the Package Work wizard. |
Log off |
Ends your requestor session, closing all Threads and windows. Your current portal state is preserved according to preferences settings. |
Use these menu choices to review your profile, specific rules, and system-wide features.
Menu item |
Description |
My Profile | |
My Profile > Operator |
Open your Operator ID data instance. About Operator ID data instances. |
My Profile > Access Group |
Open your current access group data instance. About Access Group data instances. |
My Profile > Portal |
Open the portal rule referenced in your current access group data instance. About Portal rules. |
My Profile > Application |
Open the application rule referenced in your current access group data instance. About Application rules. (This item is available if your access group does not identify an application rule.) |
My Profile > Change Password |
Lets you change the password in your Operator ID data instance. If your RuleSet list contains the PegaPWDControl RuleSet, select a new password that meets the criteria defined by your implementation. Password management facility. |
My Rules |
Presents the My Rules area rules delegated to you. also called favorites. You can remove the delegation or change the link text. |
Advanced Search |
Opens the Advanced Search tool. About the Advanced Search tool. |
Preferences... |
Review or change personal preferences for the Developer portal. Developer portal basics — Setting preferences. |
Use the View menu to access or update organization-related data instances, checked out rules, and overall system status.
Menu item |
Results |
Organization | |
Organization > Organization Chart |
Presents a tree structure of all the organization data instances in your system, showing the divisions and units that report to each. You can interact with the chart to view or create new organization instances and operators. Using the Organization Chart tool. |
Organization > Organizations |
Presents a list of all the organization data instances in this system. About Organization data instances. |
Organization > Org Divisions |
Presents a list of all the division data instances in this system. About Division data instances. |
Organization > Org Units |
Presents a list of all the organization unit data instances in this system. About Organization unit data instances. |
Organization > Work Groups |
Presents a list of all the work group data instances in this system. About Work Group data instances. |
Organization > Operators |
Presents a list of all the Operator ID data instances in this system. About Operator ID data instances. |
Organization > Access Groups |
Presents a list of all the access group data instances in this system. About Access Group data instances. |
Organization > Workbaskets |
Presents a list of all the workbasket data instances in this system. About Workbasket data instances. |
Organization >Calendars |
Presents a list of all the calendar data instances in this system. About Calendar data instances. |
Rules | |
Rules > Checked Out By Me |
List rules in your private RuleSet. See Working with the Checked Out by Me report. |
Rules > Recently Updated By Me |
List rules saved by you and not later resaved by another developer since the beginning of the last business day. You can adjust the report criteria. Excludes rules in your private RuleSet. Does not include rules that were last updated by you on a different Process Commander system and later were imported into the current system. |
Rules > All Updated By Me |
List rules saved by you (and not later resaved by another developer), grouped by RuleSet. Excludes rules in your private RuleSet. Does not include rules that were last updated by you on a different Process Commander system and later were imported into the current system. |
Rules > Find by Circumstance |
Presents a sample report to allow you to find rules with specific values of three circumstances: State Code (such as MA for Massachusetts), Channel (such as Fax or Email), and Customer Level. To customize this report to meet your application needs, see Pega Developer Network article PRKB-25220 How to modify the Find by Circumstances report. |
Rules > Find by a Custom Field |
Supports searching for rules in the Decision category based on the values of Custom Fields. See Using the Advanced Search tool — Left Panel and How to find rules in the Decision category by a Custom Field. |
Rules > Application |
These two reports highlight recent changes for an application under development. |
Rules > Application > Rules Volatility |
An interactive line chart shows the number of rules changed in a specified RuleSet, or RuleSet and class, for each week in the past eight weeks, using a standard summary view rule Data-Rule-Summary.RulesVolatility. (You can override this rule.) |
Rules > Application > Developer Productivity |
A summary report shows counts of rules changed in each week of the past eight weeks, by Operator ID, using the standard summary view rule History-Rule.DeveloperProductivity. (You can override this rule.) |
Rules > Summary of Recently Updated |
List rules updated by anyone today on this Process Commander system, summarized by Version. Excludes rules in private RuleSets. Drill down to RuleSet and type. |
Rules > Summary of recently updated by RuleSet |
Presents an interactive drill-down chart. At left is a bar chart with a bar for each of up to 16 RuleSets, each representing a count of rules changed today. (Use the left slider to adjust which RuleSets appear. Click one RuleSet bar to view in a column chart at the right. The right chart has a column each version, counting changes in that version. (Use the right slider to adjust which versions appear.) Click a column to list the rules. |
Rules > List of Recently Updated |
List rules saved by anyone today on this Process Commander system, most recent first. Excludes rules in private RuleSets. |
Rules > All Checkouts |
Lists rules currently checked out by anyone. |
Rules > Checkouts by RuleSet, Version |
Lists rules currently checked out by anyone, grouped by RuleSet and version. |
Rules > Checkouts by Version, RuleSet |
Lists rules currently checked out by anyone, grouped by version and RuleSet. |
Work | |
Work > My Worklist |
Presents your worklist. Depending on a personal preference, the worklist appears in a pop-up window, in the Developer portal workspace, or in a separate portal window (and separate Thread). Set the Run Process in values (portal, skin, and window type) in the General preferences group as desired. |
Work > Entered by Me |
Presents a report listing work objects of any type that you entered today. Change the selection criteria to cover a different starting date or Operator ID. |
Work > Associated with Me by Party |
Presents a report listing work objects of any work type in which your Operator ID appears as a work party. |
Work > Resolved by Me recently |
Presents a report listing work objects of any type that you resolved today. Change the selection criteria to cover a different starting date or Operator ID. |
Work > by Workbasket |
Lists assignments in a single workbasket. The
default workbasket is |
System | |
System> Usage > ... |
Four menu options provide reports and charts about recent system usage, as captured by the License Compliance facility. See License Compliance Facility — Standard reports and charts. |
System> Active Connections |
Lists active requestor sessions. Requestor IDs starting with H correspond to HTTP browser sessions; click a row to review the corresponding Operator ID. Requestor IDs starting with the letter B identify
System > External Assignments |
Presents a summary of outstanding external assignments created through the Directed Web Access feature. Drill down to learn about the assignments. |
System > Broken Queue Items |
Lists agent queue items (instances of the System-Queue-DefaultEntry class or another System-Queue- class in your application that have exceeded the number of MaxAttempts specified. (so pyItemStatus starts with the text string "Broken-"). Allows you to select items to requeue or delete. See Queue-for-Agent method. |
System > Locks > My Locks |
Lists locks held by your current requestor session. Locks you hold in other sessions are not shown. See Understanding object locking. |
System > Locks > All Locks |
Presents a list of requestor sessions that hold one or more locks, identified by IP address or server name. Click a row to identify details of the requestor session holding them, including an object identifier and an operator name when available. See Understanding object locking. |
System > Flow Errors > Show Activities for Flow Problem |
Lists the activities on your system that route assignments for a flow problem. Troubleshooting — Basics of problem flows and problem assignments. |
System > Flow Errors > In Worklists > category |
Allows you to list and rectify flow executions that stopped because of integrity issues — known as problem flows — and have an assignment routed to a worklist. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work, the menu displays one or more of the following: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit. Troubleshooting — Basics of problem flows and problem assignments. |
System > Flow Errors > In Workbaskets > category |
Allows developers to list and rectify flow executions that stopped because of integrity issues — known as problem flows — and have an assignment routed to a workbasket. The standard activity for flow problems does not use workbaskets. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work, the menu displays one or more of the following: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit. Troubleshooting — Basics of problem flows and problem assignments. |
System > Assignment Errors > In Worklists > category |
Allows developers to list and rectify problem assignments — assignments that operators are unable to perform because of integrity issues. By default, these are routed to a designated worklist. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work, the menu displays one or more of the following categories: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit. Troubleshooting — Basics of problem flows and problem assignments. |
System > Assignment Errors > In Workbaskets > category |
Allows developers to list and rectify problem assignments — assignments that operators are unable to perform because of integrity issues. By default, these are routed to a designated worklist but your application may route such assignments to a workbasket. Depending upon your access privilege to reconcile problem work, the menu displays one or more of the following categories: All, Current Organization, Current Division, and Current Unit. Troubleshooting — Basics of problem flows and problem assignments. |
System > Suspended Work > In Current Work Pool |
Lists work objects in the current work pool that are suspended and may be under Policy Override review. Understanding suspended work objects and policy overrides. |
System > Suspended Work > Assignments |
Lists assignments for suspended work objects (in any work pool), which may be under Policy Override review. Understanding suspended work objects and policy overrides. |
My Rules > item |
Open a rule delegated to you. This menu option does not appear if you have no delegated rules. |
My Recent Work > item |
Open a work object you entered or updated today. The menu identifies work objects by work pool, work object ID, and subject. Select Clear to clear this list. |
Virtual Enterprise Repository |
Allows you to connect to your organization's VER system. This option is available only when the Virtual Enterprise Repository is configured. |
My Profile |
Display your current requestor profile in a display-only window. Help — Profile display. |
My ShortCuts > Organize Shortcuts |
Starts the Shortcut Manager, letting you group, rename, or delete shortcuts. Help: Organizing Shortcuts with the Shortcut Manager. |
My ShortCuts > shortcut |
Shows folders and top-level shortcuts, if you have any. About Shortcuts. Click a folder () to expand its contents as a submenu. Click an activity shortcut () to retest the activity with saved parameters. |
Use the Application menus to create rules that are to support the application you are developing.
This menu is not visible in two unusual situations: when no work pool is current or the application rule referenced in a user's access group contains only standard Process Commander RuleSets.
Menu item |
Description |
New | |
New > Rule > category > type |
Allows you to open the New dialog for any rule type (and a few data forms). Choose a category and then a rule type. (Your access role and privileges may restrict which rule types you can save.) |
New > Service... |
Starts the Service accelerator, which lets you create classes, properties, and other components of an EJB, File, JMS, JSR94, MQ, .NET, or SOAP service from metadata. About the Service accelerator . |
New > Connector... |
Starts the Connector and Metadata accelerator, which lets you create classes, properties, and connector rules from metadata. |
New > Skin... |
Starts the Application Skin wizard, which lets you build rules that control the important colors, backgrounds, fonts, and images in a portal. About the Application Skin wizard. |
New > RuleSet... |
Opens an abbreviated pop-up form that lets you create a new RuleSet and a corresponding version 01-01-01 based on four fields. Enter a name for the new RuleSet, a description, and one prerequisite RuleSet. Indicate whether the new RuleSet supports check-out. Click Create . |
Preflight |
Starts the Application Preflight tool, which reports warning conditions on the rules in your Application RuleSets. These may indicate guardrail compliance issues, potential performance issues, accessibility status, or other notable conditions. Using the Application Preflight tool. |
Document |
Starts the Application Document wizard that specifies and generates application and project documentation. |
Inventory |
Starts the Application Inventory tool, which can create an HTML document listing all or selected subsets of the rules in your application. About the Application Inventory tool. |
Class Structure |
Starts the Class Structure viewer tool, which allows you to identify and explorer inheritance relationships among the classes in the application. About the Class Structure viewer. |
Browse Reports > category |
Review the Short Description text of reports in four of the Monitor Process categories as links. Choose a category to see a list of reports in that category:
Click a link to execute the report for your current work pool. |
Data Tables |
Starts the Data Table wizard, which lets you define a new data table or edit the instances in a previously defined data table. About the Data Table wizard. |
Import | |
Import > Rule from File... |
Starts the Rule-from-File wizard, which accepts a Windows file in one of several supported formats to create a flow rule or decision rule. About the Rule-from-File wizard. |
Import > XML Schema... |
Starts the Connector and Metadata accelerator in XSD import mode. This lets you creates class, property, and XML Stream rules from an XML Style Definition file. About the Connector and Metadata accelerator. |
Import > DTD File... |
Starts the Connector and Metadata accelerator in DTD file mode. This lets you create class, property, and XML stream rules from an XML Document Type Definition (DTD) file. About the Connector and Metadata accelerator. |
Import > JavaBean... |
Starts the Connector and Metadata accelerator in Import JavaBean mode. This lets you create rules that present Java objects as clipboard entries. About the Connector and Metadata accelerator. |
Import > PDF for EForm... |
Starts the eForm rules wizard, which accepts a Portable Document Format (PDF) form and creates corresponding properties and classes. About the eForm rules wizard. |
Localize |
Three menu selections provide access to features of the Localization wizard, which supports translators in identifying and managing the rules that localize an application. See About the Localization wizard. |
Localize > Translate to New Language | Starts the Localization wizard to begin the process of creating localization rules for the currently selected application. |
Localize > Verify Existing Translations |
Starts the Localization wizard verify that a translated application is still correct after changes to the application |
Localize > List Translations in Progress |
List in-process Localization wizard work objects. |
Purge/Archive |
Two menu items support the Purge/Archive wizard, which can delete work objects, attachments and history. |
Purge/Archive > Configure... |
Starts the Purge/Archive configuration wizard to define work object purge or archive criteria. See About the Purge/Archive Configuration wizard. |
Purge/Archive > Schedule Process... | Starts the Purge/Archive configuration wizard to schedule work object purging or archiving. See About the Purge/Archive Configuration wizard. |
Direct Capture of Objectives | |
Direct Capture of Objectives > List Use Cases |
Lists the use cases linked to an application. Defaults to your current application. |
Direct Capture of Objectives > List Requirements |
Lists the requirements linked to an implementation. Defaults to your current application. |
Direct Capture of Objectives >Use Case Matrix |
Lists the use cases defined in your current application to provide traceability during implementation. The matrix indicates where a use case is implemented in a flow and the flow shape where it is referenced. |
Direct Capture of Objectives >Requirements Matrix |
Lists the requirements defined in your current application to provide traceability during implementation. The matrix includes external IDs and the implementations to which the requirement is linked. |
Direct Capture of Objectives >List Extensions |
Lists all rules in the current application RuleSets
that have a method status of |
Use the Run menu to test components of the application you are developing.
This menu is not visible in two unusual situations: when no work pool is current or the application rule referenced in a user's access group contains only standard Process Commander RuleSets.
Menu item |
Description |
Process > name |
Select a starter flow from those listed, which correspond to those associated with the current work pool name. The flow starts and presents the New work object form, so you can enter a work object. Depending on your personal preferences, the New form appears in a pop-up window, in the Developer portal workspace, or in a separate portal window (and separate Thread). Set the Run Process in values in the General preferences group as desired to control the window type, the portal, and the skin rule used. |
Tracer |
Starts the Tracer tool, to debug activities, flows, and other rule types. About the Tracer tool. |
Trace Open Rule |
Starts the Tracer tool and marks the activity or service rule that appears in the workspace for tracing. The rule may belong to any RuleSet you can execute, including a RuleSet not marked for tracing in the Trace Options panel.
This menu option is available only when an activity rule or service rule is open and visible. |
Rules Inspector |
Four menu settings affect the display of work object forms and portal forms. To interpret the results of these settings, see About the Rules Inspector tool. |
Rules Inspector > HTML Rules |
To enable or disable marking of harness, section, flow action, and HTML rules with an H or icon. |
Rules Inspector > Property Rules |
To enable or disable the marking of visible properties. A small red P identifies each property reference. |
Rules Inspector > Declarative Rules |
To enable or disable the marking of properties computed by Declare Expression rules. A small red D identifies such properties. |
Rules Inspector > Field Value Rules | To enable or disable the marking of text labels for which field value rules are defined. |
Rules Inspector > Styles | To turn on the Style Inspector, allowing you to determine which CSS styles apply to elements of a form, and experiment with style changes |
Performance |
Opens the Performance tool for the current Thread. The initial Performance tool display provides access to the DB Trace tool the Profiler tool. About the Performance tool. |
Test Manager |
Starts the optional Automated Testing facility. About Automated Testing. (This menu option appears only if your requestor holds the AutomatedTesting privilege.) |
Use these menu items to start the indicated tools.
Menu item |
Description |
Clipboard |
Opens the Clipboard tool to present the clipboard of the current Thread. About the Clipboard tool. |
Image Catalog |
Starts the Image Catalog tool, letting you preview images (JPG, GIF, PNG, and BMP formats) stored in binary file rules. About the Image Catalog tool. |
Style Viewer |
Starts the Style Viewer tool, which lists and previews each style used in portal display, work object form display, reports, and rule forms. About the Style Viewer tool. |
Add-Ons |
Location to access your menu add-ons, if any are defined. See How to extend the Developer portal menus. |
System Management Application |
Starts the System Management application. Authentication may be required. About the System Management Application. |
My Alerts |
Shows alerts from your own requestor session in a new window. See Working with the My Alerts window. |
Log Files |
Lets you view the most recent Alert log or Pega log for the current node. With appropriate server configuration, you can download either the log to your workstation. About the Log Files tool. |
Logging Level Settings |
Lets you temporarily override
Locale Settings |
Lets you temporarily override the locale setting in your Internet Explorer, to test user portal operations in a different locale. Does not affect the Developer portal. About the Locale Settings tool. |
Security | |
Security > Role Names |
Lists access roles in your system. Developers can click a row to start the Access Role Editor. About the Access Role Editor. |
Security > Allow Access to a Class |
Lists Access of Role to Object rules in your system. These rules link an access role to a class, and determine what operations are available to holders of the access roles. Click a row to open the rule. About Access of Role to Object rules. |
Security > Allow Access to an Activity |
Lists activities in your system with a specified Applies To key part. Drill down to open an activity. |
Database | |
Database > Modify Database Schema |
Starts the Modify Database Schema wizard, to let you
review or add to |
Database > Clone Class Group |
Starts the Directed Inheritance wizard, create a copy of a class group and all of corresponding classes it contains. How to replicate a class group and class structure. |
Integration | |
Integration > Email Accelerator | Starts the Email Accelerator. About the Email Accelerator. |
Integration > JavaBean Viewer |
Starts the JavaBean viewer tool About the JavaBean viewer. |
Integration > Ignore Connector Simulation |
Globally ignore all connect simulators. Creating connector simulators. |
Integration > Clear Connector Simulation |
Clear all connect simulators. Creating connector simulators. |
Integration > 5.2 Connector Wizard |
Starts the 5.2 Connector wizard, retained in this Process Commander version for backwards compatibility. Use of the Connector and Metadata accelerator rather than this legacy feature is preferable for new development. |
Convert operators to Rule-Application |
For one-time use on upgraded systems only. Starts the Application Migration wizard that creates application rules from access groups. About the Application Migration wizard. |
Rule Management | |
Rule Management > Rename a Class |
Adjusts all the rules that apply to a class so that they apply to a different, new class. About the Rename a Class wizard. |
Rule Management > Delete a Class |
Deletes all the rules that apply to a class and the class itself. About the Delete a Class wizard. |
Rule Management > Search/Replace a String | Searches through all rules, or a subset of rules, and replaces one text string by another. See About the Search/Replace a String wizard . |
Rule Management > Delete a RuleSet |
Starts the RuleSet Delete tool, which allows you to delete all rules in a RuleSet or RuleSet Version. About the RuleSet Delete tool. |
Rule Management > Copy/Move RuleSet |
Starts the RuleSet Maintenance wizard, which allows you to rename, duplicate, or consolidate RuleSets and versions. About the RuleSet Maintenance wizard. |
Rule Management > Skim a RuleSet... | Starts the Skim rules wizard, to copy the highest (major or minor) version of existing rules to a higher version. See Skim — definition and Help: Skim to a new Version. |
Rule Management > Rulebase Compare |
Compares the individual rules in the current system with those in a target Process Commander system, listing differences. See About the Rulebase Compare wizard. |
Rule Management > Revalidate for References |
Use on system upgraded from releases before V5.3 only; not necessary otherwise. Lets you perform limited revalidation to improve the completeness and accuracy of Referencing Rules feature. See About the Referencing Rules display. |
Revalidate and Save |
Starts the bulk revalidation tool, to check the validity of multiple rules (of one rule type) at once. This operation is similar to opening and saving each rule or data instance. About the bulk Revalidate and Save tool. |
These menu items provide access to information resources.
Menu item |
Description |
Welcome |
Presents aids and news for beginning Process Commander developers, including a link to the Application Accelerator. About the Application Accelerator. |
Developer Help |
Opens this help system. |
Pega Developer Network | |
Pega Developer Network > PDN Home |
Opens the log-in page or home page of the Pega Developer Network (PDN), a subscription news and knowledge extranet for Process Commander developers hosted on the World Wide Web. Requires WWW access. |
Pega Developer Network> New in this release |
Searches for Pega Developer Network articles explaining new features of the release that you are using. Requires WWW access and a PDN account. |
Pega Developer Network> Release Document Summary |
Searches for Pega Developer Network publications for the release you are using. Requires WWW access and a PDN account. |
Pega Developer Network > New on PDN |
Searches for recently added Pega Developer Network articles. Requires WWW access and a PDN account. |
Pega Support |
Opens the Pegasystems Global Customer Support Network site in a new window. Requires WWW access. Using this Web site, you can enter a support request. |
APIs | |
APIs > Engine |
Opens the Public API JavaDocs home page in a new window. |
APIs > Process |
Lists standard activities that are part of the Process Engine APIs. |
APIs > Desktop |
Opens JavaDocs-style documentation in a new window, covering selected JavaScript packages and function that support the portal, work object forms, and reports. About the Desktop API display. |
About Process Commander |
Identifies the version and internal build number of the Process Commander software installed on this node. Click the SysInfo button to learn details of the JVM and server platform that supports the server on this node. |
Thread | |
About Portal rules |